Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Still Reading

I know you are all DYING to know what I've been reading since I decided I needed a hobby and set out to read the top 50 novels of all time [well, at least according to Modern Library.]

That was back in October, and I haven't progressed too far. Realizing my tendency to give up a commitment like this if I can't do it perfectly [i.e. in a timely and efficient manner], I didn't set a deadline, order, or really any parameters other than this: to work towards reading those novels in a relatively soon-ish time frame.

And I'm still working towards that goal. I could give you all kinds of excuses as to why it's taken in me a while [short[er] commute than I thought, other books, no seat on the train, astronomical late fines at the library...], but I won't. Who'd want to know that?

I've finished one D.H. Lawrence book [Sons & Lovers] and am currently working on another: Women in Love. I've found that D.H., though an excellent writer, is not exactly my 'taste' in novels - there's a lot of flowery description and metaphysical language - a lot of words and thinking and not a lot of action!.

But I'm enjoying it. If anything, it's making me slow down and simplify [something I've been trying to do as of late]. It may take me 100 pages to be excited about actually reading the book every time I get on the train, but once I'm there - I don't want to put it down.

And THAT is why one reads.

1 comment:

mattvstherealworld said...

who is this sleeping reader?