Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Wizarding World of Harry Potter

Omigoodness I can't wait for the Harry Potter theme park to open in "spring 2010." Of course, I don't know when that exactly is [maybe they don't?], and depending on what part of the country you are in, "Spring" might mean entirely different things. Here in Chicago, I feel like that means, what, June? :)

But in any case, I am super, super, super excited. I hope upon hopes that my family will be taking a vacation down to little old Universal Studios this spring/summer to visit this mecca of Harry Potterdom. Of course, I do have one small issue.

Won't it be weird to have the Hogwarts castle surrounded by not snow, but palm trees?

Well, it might not do much for HP-ambience, but at this moment I'll take a palm tree over snow-capped roofs any day, ambience or no.

You can read more about the theme park here, or see photos of the construction here.

*Note: the official website, the first link, is in fact new. I received my insiders email about this very minute. :) Take a minute to look around and get EXCITED if you are at all in fact a HP fan.


Ashley Joy said...

I'M SO EXCITED!! Let's have a HP party to celebrate the opening.

Taylor said...

hey ashley, this is taylor from redeemer. how cool that you have a blog! i heard whispers of this harry potter place and now i am even MORE excited! i really want to go... but sometimes the theme parks look so fake, i really hope it looks genuine :)