THAT is how many magazines I gave away [for free] last week. That's how many magazines my roommates and I had collected over the last year and a half or so. The historian/packrat in me led me to keep ALL of them, thinking it'd be great if I had everysingleissue in mint condition, starting my first year out of college until???? Until maybe they stopped making magazines?
I don't know, but soon enough that probably misplaced archival feeling gave way to my feelings of claustrophobia, and the realization that I just have too.much.stuff. So, I went through and kept the ones that were important to me [Real Simple, "Best New Restaurant" issues of Chicago magazine, September issues of Vogue, etc.] And I plan on keeping two months' worth of each magazine in the home; otherwise, it will be taken to a) the gym, b) my friends, c) the doctor's office.
Now, I feel so cleansed.
My next plan is cut down on which magazines I actually get in the mail. It can get overwhelming, now that I don't have as much time off from my job/time at my job to just sit and read magazines/my commute on CTA is actually not that long/I like to read the Red Eye every day. These are the ones I currently get, and
Marie Claire
Real Simple
[Plus, Kate gets In Style and Paige gets the New Yorker.]
Indeed, I think that's it. Okay, so I'll only be cutting two. But I enjoy all of the other ones [mostly the restaurant section of Chicago], and even get Newsweek for free. [Thank you WBEZ!] You'd be surprised how cheap magazines are anyway. All of those are about $10 or a little more for 12 issues, which is $1 or less an issue. Not too shabby, when you pay at least $3.50 for one issue on the newsstand.
The one I should really think about getting is US Weekly. But that's the expensive one - $80+! Thankfully I have a very kind coworker who brings me her copy when she's done reading it every week.
Anybody want some my magazines once I'm through?
Credit here.
I love Real Simple! Anytime you want to get rid of those I will gladly take them off your hands [when I'm back in the country, that is] :)
I hope you're doing well! I enjoy keeping up with you through your blog. See you in the fall!
i love getting magazines too. it really brightens my day : ) my faves are real simple, whole living and traditional home. good stuff.
I'll take Marie Claire, Glamour and Real Simple. You can keep the rest.
Very funny, Matt. And Trisha - I'm sure I will have some to give away! It will be good to see you soon[ish!]
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