Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Le Dinner, Bought & Made

Monday night:
Icosium Kafe with le Heather

[Obviously the one down the street from my house.]

Pictured: Chicago crepe. Very good, except I discovered I don't like cooked peppers. I probably wouldn't get it again as a result.
[Look at that very descriptive review I gave!]
But that mint-honey tea is very tasty, sweet, and warmed me up on this coldish March night.
Just like that pretty face.

Tuesday night:
Made dinner with a boy.
For my roommates and another boy.

This was good, very lemon-y, but also salty with the capers (which I love, but I realize not everyone does). And look at that parsley garnish. And the daffodils!

Then we played some Mario, watched the Fighter, and then went to bed.

Plus! It was Matt's birthday! Now he is old! But he got to eat here.

1 comment:

matt said...

woo hoo! That piccatta looks amazing.

also, very pink.