Monday, September 13, 2010

It is finished...

My friends,

I did it. !!!!! I finished my first half-marathon, ever, in under 2 hours and 30 minutes. I did not die, I did not injure myself, I didn't get picked up by the slow bus. I didn't stop except to walk through the water stations.

...I'm pretty dang excited! The official time was 2 hours, 24 minutes, and 34 seconds. Sara Beth and I didn't run together the whole time, but we actually finished within the same clock minute, 30 seconds apart! That's fate for you, I guess. :)

Running this half was one of the most fulfilling, and most fun things I have ever done! I was definitely very nervous the night before, and even the morning of, up until we arrived at the starting line. If you've never run a race before, let me tell you - it's one of the most exciting community experiences I've ever had. Everyone is excited, nervous, ready to race! And all the spectators are fantastic, too - cheering everyone on, regardless of whether if they knew them or not.

Adrenaline definitely plays a HUGE part in finishing a race like this. It was just a fantastic atmosphere. Around mile 3 [when I passed the 5k mark and thought, psh, that's nothing!] I began to fantasize about actually finishing the FULL marathon! Don't worry, that thought died right around mile 7 or 8 when I began to wonder when I would reach the turn-around on LSD. But, it's the first time I've ever considered it!

There were a few times when I got rather emotional, especially towards the end. It's just such a great experience - everyone cheering for you, people high-fiving you, people running together, people running for friends/loved/ones/charity, people who you'd never expect to be runnings jogging alongside crazy athletic-looking people. I ALMOST cried at the end. All I could think was: "I finished! I did it!" They handed me my medal and I am pretty sure I looked like a weirdo just smiling at everybody and nobody in particular.

My roommates were such excellent supporters, getting up at 5:00 with me to drive me and Sara Beth to the race, and seeing us at three different locations along the course. Thanks, guys!

I would say great news: This is the last you'll hear about running! But, alas, it's not true. I may not be running a full 26.2 miles anytime soon, but I will FOR SURE be running another race in the near future. It has become a part of my life [well, once I can walk up and down the stairs again in less than 5 full painstaking minutes. And, I'll try not to say this too often: you can do it too! TRUST me, if I can complete a half marathon and still be alive, then anyone can. Those of you who know me know that I was NEVER a runner/athlete of any kind. You can do it! And if you want to start, I'll run with you - I'm not that fast...

Okay, that's it for now. Thank you so much for reading all about it, for listening to me talk about it, complain about it, think out loud about it...Your support has made it so much more do-able.

Here are some photos from the big day!
 Pace tattoos! One of the most helpful things ever.

 Coming around the bend!
 Kate running with me a little bit...
 We did it!
 Thank you guys!
 I'm telling you, best thing ever.
 A hard-earned medal if I do say so myself!

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