Monday, August 9, 2010

It's been a bittersweet last couple of days. [I think that's always how life is, and most of the time I just choose not to think about it -unless I'm listening to country music, of course...]

Two of my very closest friends moved away from this [dear?] little town, back to that wonderful land in the East. [That was the bitter part. Okay, well bitter is a bit dramatic. Sad.]

And then the next day I was back in my favorite place in the world, watching one of my dearest friends get married. :) It was a great reunion, and definitely a joyful day. And as my dad likes to say, "Then there was Ashley."

I think that's the last wedding for a while. [That I know of...]

And now my parents and my grandmother are coming to spend a few days in this great city with me. :) Let's hope it doesn't rain too much...and that I get all the cleaning done in time! 


Taylor said...

Drew ... sad. But I'm still here! And you get to jump on a hotel bed today :)

Taylor said...

PS: slightly scalded chick peas = not too bad.