Tuesday, March 4, 2008

it's been a while

This year has been fantastic. I love my roommates, I love CU, I love my classes (mostly.)

It's had its up and downs, to be sure. But God loves me and is faithful, I have learned. And I have met so many quality people this year that I know he is working in my life and their lives beyond even my wildest dreams.

We got our house: we are in the Fine Arts house. I forget that I won't be there for the first half of the year. Because (hopefully) I will be in Chicago. I think we find out about that after Spring Break? I hope so. If I didn't get it it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world, I'll be honest, because I think about it and I know I will miss campus and my roommates for that first 4 months. But I also know that I can't WAIT to live in the city. Just get out there and do something. I know that without CU next year I will be pretty bored. I know you are only bored if you let yourself be bored, but I think it's time to try something different. So I guess we'll find out in a week or so.

Otherwise, Spring Break is coming soon. Thank goodness. I can't wait to sleep for 7 days. and read non-school books. and just be away. Plus it's the first time I've been to Colorado and I can't wait to try something different. :)

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