Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Selective Family Making?

Science has definitely made life in the twenty-first century easier, more manageable, safer, cheaper, more convenient. I absolutely appreciate all of those things. But isn't there a point where convenience goes to far? Is the day coming where we will be punished for our never-ending desire to have everything, everything made/done our way?

The new genetic test Counsyl sparked my thoughts about this issue. I was reading about in the December 28 issue of Newsweek. The author, Mary Carmichael, asked if it was a cure for health costs. Basically, Counsyl is a test for potential parents to see if their children will be born with lifelong, health-care-cost-consuming, genetic diseases. Yes, for $350, you can find out if those eggs in your body/the sperm in your body are worth anything. If those potential children deserve to have a chance at life. Carmichael describes it as a "money saver at $350 - nothing compared to the lifetime cost of caring for a sick kid."

I understand looking at this issue from a money standpoint. I appreciate what money does to us, and how it makes us fret. But I don't understand, appreciate, or support choosing, selecting, or even altering those potential children just because they aren't "perfect." If this world just becomes full of "perfect" handmade people, where will we find the interestingness that is the quirkiness of life? If we are all born exactly the way our parents made us, won't life just become dull? Planned out, organized, hand-picked, convenient, just like the rest of our material lives?

Yes, I do like some parts of my life convenient, safe, cheap, customized - and I can think science for that. But I don't support customizing our children. God already does that for us - and in his infinite wisdom even those "sick kids" have just as much to offer, if not more sometimes, than any healthy, perfect child we might pick and choose to enter our wombs.

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