Thursday, July 19, 2007

photos in my hand

one of my favorite things of all time is being able to hold my photographs in my hands. with digital cameras these days i don't print out as many as i used to print and i really miss being able to look at them off of a computer, put them in a photo album and share them with people. gathering around a computer screen or staring at random people i don't know on facebook just doesn't quite cut it. today i got in the mail 350 pictures that i ordered off of and it is fabulous. i can't WAIT to put them into a photo album. first i have to get a photo album for my China pictures. don't worry, those of you reading this, i cut it down to 250 pictures. (okay, that's about 10% of the pictures that i took while i was there.) so you might say, 250 is still a lot Ashley, but I say to you that it's either that or look at all 2000. there is NO other choice. but i love those pictures, they are my favorite and they capture (as much as possible) the essence of my trip and both the beautiful sightseeing we did as well as what i love about the people. so i hope that you all enjoy looking at them as much as i enjoyed taking them and choosing them.

i also ordered 100 pictures from sophomore year and, in looking at them, i realized how much fun we had last year and HOW MUCH i freaking MISS YOU ALL. august really can't come soon enough. and, i will love the people i am going to live with next year, but i will most definitely miss living with Sarah Sara and Sheryl. More than you might know. Karen is quite a lucky girl. My new roommates, however, offer me a really exciting alternative and I am excited to get to know them as well... :)

I have met two wonderful kids that have made me actually enjoy babysitting: Connor and Madison Southwick. They are two gorgeous kids who are excellently behaved and I actually enjoy spending time with them, surprisingly I know. But God can work miracles.

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